Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What’s the deal with fluoride?

A new study in the Journal of Dental Research examined the levels of fluoride in the body. As you may know, fluorides have been added to our drinking water supplies and toothpastes to reduce the incidence of decay. We also use fluorides following your periodontal cleaning to prevent decay and relieve tooth sensitivity to hot and cold. Rinses and gels that have more fluoride than over the counter products can also be prescribed in certain cases. This study adds on to the already strong base of scientific evidence that fluoride is safe and effective in the prevention of cavities (decay). 

This new study is considered by researchers to be the best science to date because a more accurate and reliable scientific method was used to measure exposure from all sources of fluoride. The take home message: when properly used, fluorides are safe and effective when properly used, but using fluoride does not alleviate the need to properly clean your teeth by brushing and flossing in a regular routine after every meal (when possible). As always, if you have questions about home care techniques, don’t hesitate to ask myself or  your hygienist!

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