Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Digital x-rays….what they mean for you?

X-rays are a crucial diagnostic tool that allows us to see potential problems below the gum line and other areas we can’t easily see. We have been using digital x-rays in our office for several years. Many of our patients have commented that having a set digital x-rays is more comfortable for them than back when we had traditional film x-rays. The real advantage to the patient is that they are exposed to 80% less radiation! 

Digital x-rays are more user friendly, faster to take and develop, and from an environmental point of view are non-polluting. There are no more messy, harmful chemicals to get rid of and no more physical film which could ultimately wind up in a landfill. We have an instant picture of the area we are examining (therefore, no waiting) and we can send copies of these x-rays via email, thereby saving duplication time, stamps and envelopes. Best of all, the image quality is now better than traditional film based x-rays! Digital films are much clearer and can easily be magnified instantly on a computer monitor.

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