Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sinus Lift

What is a sinus lift?

A sinus lift is a process that assists your body in rehabilitating a delicate area by restoring lost bone with your own natural bone. Techniques and materials used for this procedure have steadily improved over time, making the sinus lift one of the most successful and predictable bone grafting procedures performed in the mouth. Sinus lifts are not expected to affect your sinuses, breathing, or allergies.

  • Reduced chance of damage to the sinuses during implant placement
  • Regrowth of your own new bone to restore lost bone
  • Creation of a suitable environment for implant placement


Why do I need a sinus lift procedure?

A sinus lift is often required as a first step when placing a dental implant in the back of your upper jaw. When upper back teeth are lost, bone in that area naturally shrinks or resorbs over time. Consequently, your sinuses expand to occupy the empty space where the bone used to be. Because there is insufficient bone available to securely place the dental implant, the sinuses must be lifted in order to create space for placing additional bone in that area.

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