Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Oral Cancer Screening

Identafi® Multi-Spectral Oral Cancer Screening

Quick facts about oral cancer:
  • Kills more in the U.S. than well known cancers such as skin, lymphatic, thyroid, & cervical
  • Almost 37,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year in the U.S
  • 66% of these individuals will be diagnosed as late stage cancers, only 43% of them will survive five years
  • Early detection (stages 1 or 2) increases survival rates up to 80-90%
  • Late detection of oral cancer is the primary cause that both the incidence and mortality rates of oral cancer continue to increase
  • Prolonged sun exposure, tobacco, & alcohol use are major contributing factors
  • HPV16, the same virus that causes a majority of cervical cancers, was the primary causative factor in 63% of diagnosis in early 2011


The test is simple, painless, & fast.

The mortality rate associated with oral cancer is particularly high not because of difficulty in diagnosis or discovery, but due to the cancer being routinely discovered late in its development. Screenings for oral cancer are crucial in early detection and drastically improve survival rates. An oral cancer screening is a pain free, quick three to five minute procedure that detects external and internal abnormalities. Your head, neck, and jaws will be examined for external abnormalities, followed by a visual screening of the interior of your mouth using a specialized light wand.


When found early, oral cancer patients have nearly a 90% survival rate.

Our office uses the Identafi system by Trimera and we recommend that patients are screened once a year for oral cancer. The Identafi® uses Multi-Spectral Fluorescence and Reflectance technology to enhance visualization of mucosal abnormalities such as oral cancer or premalignant dysplasia that may not be apparent to the naked eye.


Possible Signs & Symptoms

A primary danger of oral cancer is that in its early stages, it may go unnoticed and can be painless or cause little to no physical change. However, an oral cancer screening performed by a dentist or doctor specifically looks for precursor tissue changes or the actual cancer while it is still very small or in its early stages. It may appear as a white or red patch of tissue in the mouth, or a small ulcer which appears to be a common canker sore. There are many benign tissue changes that occur normally in your mouth, such as a bite on the inside of your cheek, that may mimic the look of a dangerous tissue change. It is important to have any sore or discolored area of your mouth looked at by a professional which does not heal within 14 days. Other symptoms may include:
  • lump or mass felt on the inside of the mouth or neck
  • pain or difficulty in swallowing, speaking, or chewing
  • wart like masses
  • hoarseness which persists
  • numbness in the oral/facial region
  • unilateral persistent ear ache

Monday, April 4, 2016

i-CAT® Cone Beam 3-D Imaging

Detailed digital imaging: Comfortable. Fast. Precise.


Blending innovation with patient comfort, the i-CAT® Cone Beam 3-D Imaging System produces immediate three-dimensional images of your critical anatomy, typically in under one minute. The high resolution cat scan images provide unparalleled views of bone structure and tooth organization to optimize dental implant treatment planning and placement, allowing for the selection of optimal size, shape, and location of dental implants prior to any procedure. The i-CAT® provides complete views of all oral and maxillofacial structures in an easy to use in-office system that allows Dr. Berdy to dramatically enhance your care with utmost precision.

  • Provides an instant picture of your head, neck, and oral cavities
  • Fast – scan takes less than one minute
  • Precise measurement of existing bone levels
  • 3-D imaging provides unparalleled detail & accuracy for placing dental implants
  • Minimal radiation – up to 10x less than traditional CT scan
  • Located in office – no need to go somewhere else for a scan